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Call for Code 2019

Over the weekend of July 5 and July 7, va2ron1, and Javier participated individually at the Call for Code Puerto Rico hackathon. This competition is for people to come up with solutions they can submit for the Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge, an international hackathon that aims towards developing the best technology solution for reducing the impact of natural disasters.

ELK – Emergency Locations Kit

The solution Javier worked on is called “ELK – Emergency Locations Kit” (sometimes referred to as “EIK – Emergency Information Kit” from an aspirational perspective). ELK is a mobile application that’s meant to provide useful GPS location information during an Emergency where you don’t have Internet access. The app is native so its footprint is small and information can be distributed through emergency mesh networks with hotspots, such as Project Owl. The goal with ELK is to support multiple data channels so it can be used to safely distribute publicly and privately known location information for various institutions to use.

Imaginary Sense COO, Kevin Ponce, and va2ron1 helped get the project done. The idea was inspired by:

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va2ron1’s presented solution uses IBM Watson’s Machine Learning to search for relevant text on a stream of information and is meant to be used to de-congest and make sense of antenna traffic in emergency situations. More about this project in next month’s entry.

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